Wren Brown

Contact Wren
My name is Wren Brown, and I have been playing and running Roleplaying Games since grade school, which is about 40 years now. Mostly I have played Dungeons & Dragons and later Pathfinder, but I have tried many other systems at least a few times. I also enjoy board games and especially tabletop miniatures games.
Professionally I am a computer programmer and analyst, and since December 2000, I have worked at a major food distribution company. I live in Denver, Colorado.
I have been a fan of Paizo and Pathfinder since Wizards of the Coast released 4th Edition D&D, and I found it was not the game for me. I went looking for alternatives, and I found Paizo still releasing OGL products. I have been an enthusiastic player and GM of Pathfinder ever since.
Around January 2015, I was fortunate enough to make the Top 16 in Paizo’s RPG Superstar 2015 contest. Participating in that contest was a great learning experience and has spurred my interest in roleplaying game design. In April 2015, I began writing and publishing 3rd Party material for Pathfinder under the Name Rusted Iron Games using the Open Game License and Pathfinder Compatibility license.
Rusted Iron Games is producing RPG titles compatible with Pathfinder 1st or 2nd Editions. We are also working on producing titles compatible with Starfinder and the SRD 5.0. Below is a list of the R.I.G. titles, plus the other RPG titles I have worked on for other companies.
Rusted Iron Games Products
Tombstone Gazetteer (Upcoming)
Ancestries of Tombstone Centaur by Andrew Mullen
Ancestries of Tombstone Chupacabra by Joshua Henington
Ancestries of Tombstone Corvus by Tineke Bolleman
Ancestries of Tombstone Jackalope by Jacob W. Michaels
Ancestries of Tombstone Minotanka by Tineke Bolleman
Ancestries of Tombstone Rougarou by Dennis Muldoon
Classes of Tombstone Engineer by Mike Welham
Deadly Gardens Series (25 Volumes)
Deadly Gardens Collection
Deadly Gardens: Blood Root by Wren Brown, Joe Kondrak & Andrew Umphrey
Deadly Gardens: Blood Rose Swarm by Wren Brown
Deadly Gardens: Catchweed by Wren Brown & Matthew Carroll
Deadly Gardens: Cinder-Heart Treant by Wren Brown & Kim Frandsen
Deadly Gardens: Deathcap Fungus by Wren Brown
Deadly Gardens: Dream Weed by Jacob W. Michaels, Kim Frandsen & Joe Konkrak
Deadly Gardens: Faerie Circle Stalker by Jacob W. Michaels, Isaac Volynskiy, & Mike Welham
Deadly Gardens: Ghost Spore Swarm by Mike Welham, Joe Kondrak & Andrew Umphrey
Deadly Gardens: Green Man by Jacob W. Michaels
Deadly Gardens: Greeenscream Trumpet by Sam Kaplan, Matthew Carroll & Mike Welham.
Deadly Gardens: Grovemaker by Mike Welham
Deadly Gardens: Hungry Pit by Wren Brown, Kim Frandsen & Joe Kondrak
Deadly Gardens: Hydra Vine by Wren Brown & Isaac Volynskiy
Deadly Gardens: Hypno-Lotus by Stephan Stack
Deadly Gardens: Mulch Stalker by Stephen Stack & Wren Brown
Deadly Gardens: Ophidian Vine by Wren Brown
Deadly Gardens: Petrified Plants by Joe Kondrak
Deadly Gardens: Phoenix Lily by Wren Brown
Deadly Gardens: Razorleaf Swarm by Chris Hunt, Jeff Gomez & Mike Welham
Deadly Gardens: Scorpion Cactus by Wren Brown
Deadly Gardens: Star Blossom by Mike Welham, Joe Kondrak & Andrew Umphrey
Deadly Gardens: Stiletto Palm by Joe Kondrak, Matthew Carroll & Mike Welham
Deadly Gardens: Swarmhive by Wren Brown
Deadly Gardens: Verdaxag, King of Trees by Mike Welham
Deadly Gardens: Wandering Sundew by Wren Brown, Joe Kondrak & Kim Frandsen
Deadly Gardens Specials
Spooky Gardens: Halloween Special by Jacob W. Michaels and Wren Brown
Spooky Gardens 2: Halloween Special by Wren Brown, Matthew Carroll, Jeremy Corff, Joe Kondrak, & Mike Welham
Frozen Gardens Winter Special by Jan Willem van den Brink, Jesse Winter, Ismael Alvarez & Wren Brown
Sunken Gardens: Aquatic Plants (upcoming)
Deadly Gardens Player Companions
Deadly Gardens Character Options
Deadly Gardens Races: Forest Shadows by Mike Welham
Deadly Gardens Races: Verids Revised by Jacob W. Michaels
Deadly Gardens Races: The Ygg by Wren Brown (upcoming)
Deadly Gardens Series 5E
Deadly Gardens Book I 5E by Jacob W. Michaels & Wren Brown
Deadly Gardens Extra: Natural Items 5E by Ismael Alvarez & Wren Brown
Character Options Series
Character Options: Oracles by Maria Smolina
Character Options: Witches by Wren Brown
Character Options: Magus by Nikolai Samarine
Character Options: Vigilantes by Blake Morton
Character Options: Cavaliers by James Abendroth
Character Options: Paladins by Marshal Balla
Character Options: Fighters by Wren Brown
Fearsome Foes Series
Fearsome Foes: Smiling Bastard by Wren Brown
Fearsome Foes: The Ravenous by Wren Brown
Fearsome Foes: Black Hounds by Vanessa Hoskins
Fearsome Foes: The Crimson Cannibal by Vanessa Hoskins
Fearsome Foes: The Mortician PF1 by Kim Frandsen
Fearsome Foes: The Mortician PF2 by Kim Frandsen
Fearsome Foes: The Mortician 5E by Kim Frandsen
Race Options Series
Race Options: Dwarves by Kim Fransen
Race Options: Gillmen by Joshua Hennington
Race Options: Svirfneblin by Mike Welham
Template Races: Half-Humans by Wren Brown
Template Races: Aasimar by Wren Brown
Template Races: Elementals by Wren Brown
Template Races: Tieflings by Wren Brown
Roll With It! Series of Free GM Aids
Roll With It! Books by Wren Brown
Roll With It! Pirates by Wren Brown
Roll With It! Potions by Wren Brown
Roll With It! Ship Names by Caio Schmidt
Roll With It! Tavern Names by Wren Brown
Roll With It! Villager Names by Wren Brown
Roll With It! Wands by Wren Brown
Roll With It! Western Towns by Wren Brown
Paizo, Inc.
Divine Anthology – Majestic Book of the Prime Ascended section.
Kingmaker Companion Guide (Second Edition) – Tristian section.
Other Third Party Publishers
Legendary Games
Alien Bestiary Contributor
Legendary Worlds: Polaris 7 (PFRPG)
Legendary Worlds: Polaris 7 (SFRPG)
Legendary Worlds: Polaris 7 (5E)
Paizo Fans United
Wayfinder #15: River Kraken
Wayfinder #17 Golden Scarab Swarm and Sand Scorpion
Pyromaniac Press
Five monsters for the What Lies Beyond Reason? AP.
Ignorance Is Bliss – Dough Boy, page 43.
From the Ashes – Lonely One, page 60.
Campaign Guide – Dough Boy, Lonely One, Magma Crawler, Shadow Revenant, Vixxzetiflux