Fearsome Foes: Mortician 5E

Fearsome Foes: Mortician 5E

  • Author: Kim Frandsen
  • Game System: Fifth Edition Fantasy
  • Format:  PDF Digital Download
  • Pages: 10
  • Price: $2.99

Welcome to Fearsome Foes: Mortician. The Fearsome Foes series provides villains or villainous groups to challenge the player character heroes in your role-playing games. The villains presented are suitable to be used as either one-shot or recurring foes. In addition to the main villain, each volume will include enough supporting material to introduce it to your game with little or no extra preparation, including lieutenants, minions, and supporting encounters. This entry presents Halreth Donovar, a.k.a. the Mortician, a powerful lich necromancer posing as a local undertaker and occasional patron of adventurers sponsoring them to fight undead outbreaks in the local cemeteries. A group of four adventurers should be at least 12th level to take on the Mortician but can start encountering his minions much earlier.